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Does poor sleep really effect your Gut Health??

Absolutely yes it does….. and here’s why, plus some useful tips to help improve your sleep.

When we are sleep deprived it has a negative change in our gut microbiome. Low quality sleep means the body does not sufficiently suppress the production of cortisol the stress hormone and that can alter the balance of your gut microbes. If you are not getting enough sleep you will an increased level of cortisol. Increased cortisol can cause intestinal permeability know as leaky gut. Also when we sleep, this is when we are preparing ourselves so getting good quality sleep will benefit not just your guts, but your overall health.

Serotonin which is know as our happy hormone as it helps to regulate moods. Serotonin is involved in regulating our sleep cycle, and our gut microbiome is a part of the process that controls the amount of serotonin in our body.

Your gut also love when you are in your natural circadian rhythm, going to sleep and waking up at the same time can really help to regulate your bowels, give you natural energy and keep your gut microbiome happy.

How to get better quality sleep to help improve your gut

  • Avoid screens 1 hour before bed
  • Have a bath with magnesium bath salts in the evening
  • Write everything down that is on your mind to help clear it so you don’t start overthinking when you are trying to sleep
  • Try laying on an acupressure mat. I lie on mine in bed and fall into a deep sleep and then just remove it when I stir but will fall start back to sleep
  • Try doing a night-time meditation to help smooth into sleep
  • Upon waking stand in natural light to help regulate your circadian rhythm which will help you get better quality sleep.