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My Top Tips  to help with bloating.

We have all been there when the dreaded bloat hits, or you may be someone who simply bloats after everything meal ( I feel you, this used to be me) Bloating really effects our moods, confidence and social life.

Stress is one of the main causes of bloating due us going into our flight or fight mode. When we are in flight and fright (sympathetic nervous system) we produce cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol is our stress hormone and adrenaline gets bumped into our bloodstream.  Whilst this happens all our energy goes to our heart and lungs which tells our digestive system it does not need to function or digest the food we have just eaten because we need to be alert and ready to attack (just like back in  the days as cavemen) , so it becomes sluggish and unhappy. There are some simple hacks that can really help lower you into your rest and digest symptom which is where we want to be for optimal digestion.


  • Avoid eating on the go.

  • Eat slowly and be present during meal times.

  • Chew chew chew your food

  • Avoid eating too much fiber at the same time as fibre is harder to digest and high volumes of it can make sure digestive system work harder causing wind and bloating. Your digestive system needs to build up a tolerance for fiber, so start small and work your way up.

  • Avoid too much raw foods, again raw food is much harder to digest.

  • In the evening work on switching off from the day. meditate, get cosy and embrace the evening.

  • Avoid really tight clothes as this stops proper digestion and doesn’t allow air to move around the system which can cause bloating to get worst.

  • A 20-30 minute walk. Do this whilst listening to some affirmation to boost confidence and create calm within your mind.